




 GR3xをじっくり使った感想は二つです。 一つ目は、ダイナミックレンジが広いことです。明暗差のあるシーンを撮っても白飛びや黒つぶれがありませんでした。もともとGRは自動露出機能が非常に優秀なのですが、センサーも高性能です。 二つ目は、ポジフィルム調の発色が面白いことです。青色と緑色が独特の発色をします。青の色相がずれて彩度が強くなります。緑色は彩度が低くなります。また赤色と青色はハイライトの輝度も落ちます。かなり大胆に色が変わるのですが、全体としては良い感じの写真になりました。素晴らしいです。













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I went to the Daikanyama Soryo Festival last day. It was a lot of fun. About 20 stands lined up along a narrow path, and there were many people enjoying themselves. I feel happy when I see people gathering and having fun.

Ricoh also had a booth and they were lending out their GR cameras. I borrowed the GR3x. Since it was a festival, I set the camera to a high-saturation positive film mode. It was interesting to walk around with the camera and see how the festival looked different as my eyes adjusted to the light and dark.

I have two impressions after using the GR3x carefully. The first one is that it has a wide dynamic range. Even when I took pictures of scenes with a lot of contrast, there was no overexposure or underexposure. GR is known for its excellent automatic exposure function, but the sensor is also high-performance. The second one is that the positive film mode has interesting colors. The blue and green colors have a unique coloration. The hue of the blue shifts and the saturation becomes stronger. The green color becomes less saturated. Also, the red and blue colors lose brightness in the highlights. The colors change quite boldly, but the overall picture looks good. It’s amazing.

Today’s Daikanyama was a scorching hot with temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius. On such hot days, it’s convenient to have a light and easy-to-shoot GR. Also, it’s out of place to carry around a DSLR camera at a festival. GR is perfect for summer festivals.

For your reference, I’ll share you some pictures I took. You can see what kind of colors the positive film mode produces.