『「自分だけの答え」が見つかる 13歳からのアート思考』を読むと、カメラの発明が絵画に大きなインパクトを与えたことが分かる。写実的に風景を写し取ることに関して、絵画はカメラに敵わない。そこで、絵画だからこそできることを、画家たちは模索し始め、ピカソが変な絵を描いた。
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In reading "Art Thinking from Age 13: Finding Your Own Answer," it is clear that the invention of the camera had a great impact on painting. Painting was no match for the camera when it came to capturing landscapes realistically. So painters began to look for something that could only be done by painting, and Picasso painted a strange picture.
Picasso's paintings show things that can never be seen at the same time. Someone said, "Picasso wanted to see breasts and buttocks at the same time. As he said, he painted what can be seen from several different perspectives at the same time in a single picture. Certainly this is a way of painting that a camera cannot do.
When I retouch a photograph and lift the shadows, I am reminded of Picasso's story. The human eye sees dark and light areas separately and combines them into a single image in the mind, so the perceived dynamic range is very wide. I think retouching does the same thing. Retouching does what the camera can't.