





 急がば回れ。思考は言語によって形成される。ボキャブラリーが貧弱だと、感想も貧弱になる。まずは感情をあらわす単語(喜び、悲しみ、など)を 20 個書いてみよう。20 個の⾔葉が思い浮かばなかった⼈は、⾃分の⼼にこれまで無頓着だったのかもしれない。多くの⾔葉を覚え、⾃分の気持ちを表現できるようになろう。(認知行動療法のワークブックより




-- translate with deepL --

 Taking a picture is similar to writing a book report.

 Was the book interesting? What was interesting about it? Why did you find it interesting? It doesn't matter what the summary is. The important thing is to dig deep into your impressions. If your impressions are original, your book review will be original.

 When you take a picture, why did you decide to take it? What attracted you to it? Why were you drawn to it? It doesn't matter what the subject is. What matters is how you feel when you press the shutter.

 Thoughts are formed through language. If your vocabulary is poor, your impressions will be poor. If you can't think of 20 words, you may have been careless with your vocabulary. Learn more languages and learn to express your own feelings. (From the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook)

 Interesting, exciting, joyful, happy, proud, overwhelmed, etc. The shutter speed, aperture, white balance, and focal length you choose depend on your feelings when you see the subject.